Photograph What You Love
When someone asks me what type of photographer I am, I often hesitate. I like to shoot many genres: street, architecture, birds, and landscapes, to name just a few. Some may say that photographing such a wide variety of subjects makes you a “jack of many trades, but master of none.” Well, I beg to differ! Maybe it is because I categorize myself as an educator first, and a photographer second. But, I am a firm believer that if you photograph what you love your skills will improve, and you will grow as an artist.
Ask Yourself Why?
Why do you create photographs? If you can answer this question, then it is much easier to know what to photograph. I make images because I love my subjects. Those subjects may be as varied as a passerby, an animal, or a sunrise. Why should I exclude subjects that fascinate me and that I am passionate about just because someone labels me as a particular type of photographer?
So with that in mind, this week I have a smorgasbord of images for you! Here is a sample of the things I love to photograph.
The Streets.
For those of you who have followed my blog, you will know that I love street photography. I think street photography is one of the most difficult types of photography to do well. The challenge of capturing something extraordinary in everyday life is immensely gratifying for me. I love the interactions with strangers that often follow a shot. The idea that I’ve frozen a moment in history also fascinates me. And the challenge of capturing unpredictable moments and behaviours are my “why” for photographing this genre.
Here is a selection of recent street images I took on a walk through downtown Vancouver a week ago.
Mother Nature.
I’m an avid outdoor’s person. I love to hike, and I have a huge fascination with all things nature related. As a child, I spent a good deal of my time playing in streams, catching frogs and lizards, and climbing trees. I was not a Barbie kind of girl! This early love of the outdoors has continued into my adult life. As a result, I often focus my lens on landscapes and wildlife.
I am happy to sit and listen to the wind in the forest, or to the waves crashing on rocks. My love of nature is my “why” for my attraction to landscape photography. Creating images that capture Mother Nature’s moods and beauty will always be something I strive for in my landscape images.
Recently I was in the Lake Tahoe region of California and had a chance to do some landscape photography. Here is a small selection of those images. I will post more on next week’s blog, so stay tuned if you like these!
Weddings? Really?
I shot my first wedding a few months ago as a second shooter and assistant for Ian MacDonald. Ian has been a great mentor to me over the past two years. He has had a significant influence on my photography and has encouraged me to pursue my art as a career. Wedding photography is not a genre that I ever imagined myself shooting, let alone enjoying. However, with my love of a candid style of imagery, I wanted to challenge myself and give it a try. The experience was both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time! After I got past my initial fear, I had a blast. Our next wedding is in December and I can’t wait!
I Wish I Could Fly!
I have enormous respect for all wildlife. However, I am particularly fascinated by birds. What an incredible experience it would be to be able to fly. When I was living in Houston, I volunteered at the Wildlife Center of Texas (WCT). WCT receives over 9,000 injured, ill and orphaned wild animals each year and is one of the largest wildlife care centers in the United States. During my time volunteering with this incredible organization, I got to care for all kinds of birds. The first time I held a red-tailed hawk my appreciation for these beautiful birds of prey grew tenfold. I can’t explain how powerful their talons are, or how beautiful their feathers and wing structures are. On the other end of the spectrum, a tiny ruby-throated hummingbird is a marvel of miniature engineering! My experiences at WCT fueled my “why” for bird photography.
Bricks and Mortar.
When I was in high school, I wanted to be an architect. However, at that time, architectural jobs were few and far between. So instead, I decided to study structural engineering. As a young engineer, I specialized in bridge design. My fascination with buildings and bridges is still a common theme in my photography.
Photograph What You Love!
So what do you love, and is it reflected in your photography? Don’t ever limit how you see photographically to please someone else. Shoot what moves you. Strive to let your love for your subject, whatever that subject is, reveal itself in your art. If this passion shows in your imagery, you will definitely become a better photographer.
I hope you enjoyed my images and getting to know a bit more about what makes me click. Cheers until next time!