Back to reality. Last Friday my husband and I returned from our fantastic trip to Paris, Normandy and Scotland. What a marvellous holiday! Over the course of 22 days, we visited with family, experienced the history of D-Day, and went on some incredible walks and...
Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you cannot shoot in harsh light! I love the deep shadows and bright light that hide and reveal subjects in a frame. Learning to see opportunities where light and shadow play together takes a bit of practice. However, once you...
These days it seems that more and more photographers are spending endless amounts of time on social media. And recently I felt like I had fallen into that trap! There is too much emphasis put on likes and followers these days? And I think there is an underlying...
I posted an image a while back, and a viewer told me that it wasn’t “street photography.” When I took the photo, I was living in a small, gulf coast town in Mississippi. Not exactly the big city! I captured the picture at the beach, not in an urban setting. It is a...
This month, some of my work is featured in the print edition of “The Site Magazine,” along with the work of five other incredible female street photographers from across Canada. It is an honour to have my images showcased alongside Dzesika Devic,...
Wow! What a day! On Saturday, April 7th, over 4200 people from 850 cities in 104 countries participated in the 24 Hour Project. I was lucky enough to be one of them! Participants took photographs documenting life in their town for 24 hours. The catch was that one...
I’ve been actively enjoying street photography for almost two years now. And as I pursue this challenging genre, I wonder if I have managed to develop my own street photography style, or if this is something I need to work on? Should my images have a...
I see a little silhouetto of a man. I can’t help humming the verse from Queen’s 1975 hit, “Bohemian Rhapsody” when I’m shooting silhouettes! Photographing silhouettes is about more than capturing an underexposed figure against a bright...
For the last installment of my Postcards from NYC series, I have some images from the 9/11 Memorial and Ellis Island to share with you. Now I live almost 4000 km away from the World Trade Centre site. And I do not know anyone directly affected by the terror...
Last week I said that I would share the last of my Postcards from NYC series with you, but you will have to wait a week for that! Instead, I want to share some thoughts about my last three excursions shooting while my memories of them are still fresh. Last week I was...