There are many ways to approach street photography. One of my favourites takes patience but almost always pays off with a great image. The trick is to find an interesting background and turn the street into a stage. A ray of light, a wall with unique graffiti, or a...
In my opinion, street photography is one of the toughest genres of photography to master. Every day that I go out and shoot, I come back with a little bit more knowledge and confidence. I still have so much to learn, and I always look forward to getting out on the...
Where ever I am living, Vancouver will always be home for me. I was born and raised there. Since moving to a small town in Southern Mississippi two and a half years ago, I have come to the realization that I am a big city girl at heart! Don’t get me wrong; I...
Street Photography Workshop With Valérie Jardin This past weekend I was lucky enough to take one of Valérie Jardin’s weekend street photography workshops in my hometown of Vancouver, Canada. What an amazing couple of days! On Saturday morning we...
Here are some photographs from my latest trip back home to Vancouver. Unlike last year’s visit, this trip came complete with typical Vancouver rain!
This fall I returned to Vancouver to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with family. The weather was fantastic. The days were cold and crisp and many mornings I awoke to fog. This was the first time in a long time that I can remember the leaves turning wonderful fall...
In early 2012 I took a wonderful course in Architectural Photography taught by Rick Hulbert. It was a fascinating study in urban photography. We spent four days shooting around Vancouver, including an inside and up-close look at the Marine Building, another morning at...
Living in Vancouver, I was fortunate enough to be able to see some of the Winter Olympics in February 2010. Here are just a few images from that wonderful party.